Thursday, August 27, 2009

6 months

Hinkely had his check up apt. He is 27 3-4 in 75% weighs 13.9 and that puts him at a huge 3% and the head was in 30% but I don't remeber the circumfrence. He also has been scooting along since we got home from lake powell. He is so fast one minute he is in the living room and I turn around and he is in the kitchen trying to eat dog food. Luckily for him I caught him just before he put it in his mouth. Also he said boo! I know its hard to beleive but McKay caught it on my phone. He has yet to repeat it though. We are practicing.


  1. love the update! I haven't seen your little guy since forever! You are like Meagan she decorates nice and early too for fall. She loves it. I just don't have anything.

  2. That is so crazy that he is so tall and still only in 3% for weight. He sure is cute, and so so smart!

  3. Hey sherri! The last time i saw you we were both pregos haha well hes a cutie! i cant blelieve hes startin to move...gosh time goes by so fast. So my babys a tubbers compared to yours...hes already almost 16 lbs. Well hopefully ill get to meet him someday. Take care!

  4. what a cutie pie. my kids always loved playing with the door stoppers too. looks like toots is going to really love it when hinkley crawls. he can follow him around all day. wish i had some decorations for fall. course, i just don't know how to decorate cute. i need your help

  5. SHERRY! First things first. i need your cell number its time to hook up. Two, i don't have kids but i always have kids over for one reason or another and well, im missing a door stop in my hall upstairs it was ripped off by tiny fingers, repaired and ripped of AGAIN by another. In their defense, those things make the coolest noise. No need for toys, a doorstop is free! Wow you totally just reminded me that fall practically is here. Looks like my decor is coming out this weekend too, or it will never make it out! haha i love the video too!

  6. Haha that cracks me up! I remember Mckay eating dog food when we were kids, as a matter of fact he enjoyed it. I'm sure he'll deny it though...Good thing you were able to stop Hinkley before it got out of hand.
